But just because your end user sees a limited user interface, doesn't mean the USB Bootloader Pro isn't capable of much more.  When YOU use a SUMS Bootloader (or USB Bootloader Pro), you set it in Developer Mode, to use its full featured programming features.


In Developer Mode, you can:

  • Load, verify, and program the hex file of your choice
  • Read and print out program memory
  • Read program memory and store as a hex file
  • Program and read individual types of memory: program memory, User IDs, Configuration Words, and on-chip EEPROM (for those PICs that support it)
  • Perform any of the programming steps (blank check, erase, program, verify, and processor restart) individually or in automatic sequence



Our customers find it best to get SUMS right away, during their product development process, rather than waiting until they have finished developing their device and their code.  That way, they can design their product, from the ground up, to take the fullest advantage of the power of Simple Upgrade Management SYSTEM.


SUMS system's Developer Mode gives you power without perplexity.  Add a SUMS Starter Kit to your shopping cart now, and experience this power for yourself!



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