PIC Compilers Supported By HIDmaker FS 2

The following PIC compilers are supported by HIDmaker FS 2 generated source code that uses a mixture of high level language source code for the files that YOU will need to work with, and fast, tight assembly source code for the USB libraries that you never need to touch:

  • Microchip C18
  • PICBASIC PRO from microEngineering Labs
  • MIcrochip MPASM Assembler

Microchip XC8 is supported by HIDmaker FS 2 generated source code that is entirely high level C language throughout.

For all supported compilers, HIDmaker FS 2 generates complete, ready to load and compile project files for both the MPLAB X and MPLAB 8 free development environments.  Just open the project file in the IDE!


PIC Compilers Supported By HIDmaker 32

The following PIC compilers are supported by HIDmaker 32 generated source code that uses high level C language throughout -- no assembly language at all.  HIDmaker 32 generates PIC code for the following Microchip compilers:

  • 32-bit Compilers:XC32, C32
  • 16-bit Compilers:XC16, C32
  • 8-bit Compilers:XC8, C18

For all supported compilers, HIDmaker 2 generates complete, ready to load and compile project files for both the MPLAB X and MPLAB 8 free development environments.  Just open the project file in the IDE!


Windows PC Compilers Supported By Both HIDmaker 32 and HIDmaker FS 2

Generate CUSTOM source code for YOUR favorite PC compilers, and use their latest features and capabilities, including new frameworks, styling of your project's PC program, 64-bit and 32-bit compile targets, and more.  Give your project a powerful, easy to use, great looking PC side front end, that will captivate your customers!

Microsoft Compilers:

  • Lets you use YOUR favorite programming language: Supports C#, Visual Basic, and C++ programming languages with Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Complete solution for each compiler! Generates ready to compile and run source code AND Visual Studio project files
  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  64-bit and 32-bit compile targets -- including "Any CPU"
  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  Tested with .NET versions up to 4.6
  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  Added new code generator for Microsoft WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) projects for C#  (Visual Basic coming soon)
  • Enhanced in HIDMaker 32! Updated code generators for Microsoft WinForms projects for C#
  • Enhanced in HIDMaker 32! Updated code generators for Microsoft WinForms projects for Visual C++ -- Both .NET and MFC

Embarcadero (Formerly Borland) Compilers:

  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  Updated code generators for latest versions of Embarcadero Delphi and C++ Builder
  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  64-bit and 32-bit compile targets
  • Compile directly to simple EXE files -- easiest to install on your end user's PC
  • Customize the generated UI using the vast number of supplied, 3rd party free, or low cost VCL screen controls.  Make your UI look stunning!
  • NEW in HIDmaker 32!  Compatible with VCL Styling as offered by newer Embarcadero compilers.  You can even let your users choose their preferred visual styling!


To get an even more value from your compilers, download our free guide to the tips, techniques, strategies, and mind set that will turbo charge your USB development!

Next: HIDmaker FAQs >>



Quickly make CUSTOM, ready to compile and run USB HID class source code written for YOUR FAVORITE COMPILERS, MATCHED for both PC and PIC device at the same time, that sends data that YOU defined.


Now you can also get an "unfair advantage" over your competitors, with 16-bit and 32-bit USB PIC devices, as well as 8-bit USB PICs, with new HIDmaker 32. Gets your USB HID project running, and communicating YOUR custom data, in as little as 10 minutes!  Pays for itself in 1 day!


NEW! 2 Versions -- See which one is right for YOU :

Learn about new HIDmaker 32 for 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit USB Processors

Learn about new Enhanced HIDmakerFS 2 for 8-bit USB PIC Processors