Trace Systems Inc

Exploring and Customizing the Generated Code

Now it's time to customize
How your TCPmaker project works
Where your PIC code fits in
How TCPmaker's code fits in with the Microchip Stack
Events and Event Handlers
Variables in this sample project
Declarations for one specific variable, D1
Customizing the Receive Event Handler for D1
This is what we mean by Direct Transfer of Variables
mtServer Events
A word about Event Handlers in general: Cooperative Multitasking
The mtUserInit event
The mtFastTick event
The mtConnect event
The mtDisconnect event
The mtStartOfMessage event
The mtEndOfMessage event
Transmitting variables from mtEndOfMessage()
TCPmaker's "Blink code" in mtEndOfMessage()
Code we add to mtEndOfMessage() for PICDEM.net2